Yoroi Wallet

Yoroi wallet is a non-custodial wallet for the Cardano (ADA) ecosystem and its local tokens. It is a light wallet, like Adalite, and fills in as an internet browser expansion, ….


Yoroi is a cryptocurrency wallet designed specifically for the Cardano blockchain. It offers a user-friendly and lightweight interface, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced users. Yoroi is one of the official wallets for Cardano, and it is developed by EMURGO, a company closely associated with the Cardano project.

Here are key features and aspects of the Yoroi Wallet:

  1. Cardano Blockchain Support: Yoroi is exclusively designed to support the Cardano blockchain. Users can use Yoroi to store, send, and receive Cardano's native cryptocurrency, ADA. The wallet aims to provide a seamless experience for interacting with the Cardano ecosystem.

  2. Browser Extension and Mobile App: Yoroi is available as both a browser extension and a mobile app, offering flexibility and accessibility to users. The browser extension is compatible with popular browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, while the mobile app is available for iOS and Android devices.

  3. Lightweight Design: Yoroi is known for its lightweight design, which means that it does not require users to download the entire Cardano blockchain to their devices. This allows for faster wallet setup and synchronization.

  4. User-Friendly Interface: The wallet features a user-friendly interface, providing an intuitive experience for users to manage their ADA holdings. The design is aimed at making tasks such as sending and receiving ADA straightforward.

  5. Security Measures: Yoroi implements security measures to protect users' funds. It includes features such as encrypted private keys and the ability to set up additional authentication methods for added security.

  6. Seed Phrase Backup: During the wallet setup, users are provided with a seed phrase (recovery phrase). It is crucial to securely store this seed phrase, as it can be used to restore access to the wallet in case of device loss or failure.

  7. Integration with Trezor Hardware Wallet: Yoroi supports integration with the Trezor hardware wallet, allowing users to enhance the security of their ADA holdings by storing private keys in a hardware device.

  8. Regular Updates: The Yoroi wallet undergoes regular updates to introduce new features, improve security, and address any issues. Users are encouraged to keep their wallets updated to benefit from the latest improvements.

  9. Community and Support: Yoroi has an active community, and users can find support through official channels, forums, and documentation. The community often shares insights, troubleshooting tips, and information about updates.

  10. Compatibility with Cardano Ecosystem: Yoroi is designed to be compatible with various projects and services within the Cardano ecosystem. This includes decentralized applications (DApps) and other developments on the Cardano blockchain.

  11. Staking Features: With Cardano's emphasis on staking, Yoroi allows users to participate in the Cardano network's proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. Users can delegate their ADA to stake pools directly from the wallet.

It's important to note that developments may have occurred since my last knowledge update in January 2022, and users are encouraged to check the official Yoroi website, documentation, or community channels for the latest and most accurate information about the Yoroi Wallet and its features.

Last updated